
Shoe Goo (shoes repair)

Shoe Goo (shoes repair)

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List Price: $7.59
Price: $7.59   (7.59/Each )

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               Review of  shoe goo (shoes repair)
               I have used this stuff for years for fixing about everything. A few of the things I have used it for are; gluing china together, carpet that is frayed-I cut off the loose strands and run shoo goo along the edges and nobody can even see it (clear), a vacuum cleaner housing broke last week where the part the brush is in attaches to the rest of the vacuum-someone put a way to short of belt on so housing broke, right now I have a snow broom that is much to flimsy (especially when it is below 0 degrees) for cleaning off cars that handle broke off the broom part. It is drying now. I origionally purchased shoo goo to build up the heels of my shoes that had wore off. It works good for that as long as I get the heels real clean, it can't stick to dirt. In other words this stuff works to glue almost anything together (within reason). The list is endless of what I have used it for. By the way fixing stuff like the vacuum and broom just putting on the surface that is broken isn't strong enough you have to build a bit around them because there is so much stress on them. I have never seen it in black and not all hardwares carry clear. It will thicken so it's hard to get out of the tube after a few months and as it says in the instructions on the package it comes in, it is a good idea to run some vaseline or some other sort of petroleum jelly around threads of the tubes or it will be difficut to get the cap off the next time you want to use it.

                                  Product promotion special

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